Christian Funerals of Sydney is a member of The Funeral Directors’ Association of New South Wales Limited. Accordingly it subscribes to the Code of Ethics of that organisation, which is as follows:
- To maintain in all matters the highest standards of business, professional and personal conduct.
- To respect in all circumstances the confidentiality and trust of clients.
- To ensure that staff is qualified and competent.
- To ensure that facilities are adequate for all services rendered.
- To provide information concerning the range of services available, the prices of the services and the functions and responsibilities accepted.
- To give a written estimate of all funeral charges and disbursements to be made on a client’s behalf at the time of taking instructions, or as soon as practicable.
- To respect personal choice and have regard for diversity of beliefs in religious and cultural practices.
- To ensure that all advertising is genuinely informative and in good taste.
- To be thoroughly conversant with the laws of the land as they apply to funeral service and allied industries and professions.
- To provide an advisory service with conciliation and arbitration arrangements available to help resolve disputes which may arise between members and their clients.